There have been numerous studies about bullying in PE and one of the common findings is that children who are bullied during physical education class are less likely to be active. Not only less active in their current PE class, but as adults later in life as well. Check out three ways you can create a safer and more socially positive physical education learning space, and to prevent bullying during PE class.
3 Methods to Prevent Bullying in PE Class
Why does bullying in school occur and what does it look like in physical education? Students may experience bullying for being overweight, having differing skill levels than others, and for being chosen last when it is time to create groups or teams. Types of bullying include verbal attacks, excessive aggression, or exclusion and avoidance during activities.
As a PE educator, with so much activity going on and kids moving around the gym, it can be challenging to always see or hear it happening in your classes. Here are three ways you can proactively prevent bullying in your classes:
Choose Safe and Appropriate Activities
When students are engaged in activity they are moving and having fun which reduces the amount of time they have to watch and critique others. Bullying happens during down time so keep transitions short and lessons active!
Pre-Assign Activity Groups, Teams, or Partners
This reduces the chances of the same person always being left out, picked last, or stuck with the same partner or group every time
Teach and Practice Positive Social Skills
By rewarding and highlighting appropriate behavior, PE educators can teach students which behaviors and attitudes are expected in a safe learning environment. Teach these skills throughout the school year and look for examples of them during the lessons that you teach.
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