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Search Results for: end of school year lesson plan

10 Tips for an Attitude Adjustment

The holidays are nearly here and odds are teachers are really ready for a break! Months of being “on”—giving your very best to every art class and every student every day—may have taken a toll on your attitude and maybe even your self-esteem. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, undervalued, or just plain worn out heading […]

Maintaining the Balance: Relaxing vs. Becoming a Better Teacher

Every summer, some teachers start feeling guilty during their relaxation time. Shouldn’t they be planning lessons or studying that new trend to get ready for next year? On the flip side, if they find themselves working too hard over the summer, they get mad at themselves for not taking a break. There are ways […]

Teacher Tools to Defeat Summer Learning Loss

The summer learning loss is real. Research shows that it can cause students to forget 22 percent or more of what they learned over the school year, making a teacher spend a month of review at the beginning of the next year just to get students caught back up. This might seem like the territory of […]