The first day of school can be daunting for students, particularly younger students. Art is a wonderful way to calm the nerves, and collaborative art projects get kids working together. As with adults, the benefits of student collaboration are nearly endless.
Collaborating takes the pressure off perfection while introducing students to each other’s unique styles, techniques, and ideas. It fosters an appreciation for each other’s differences and builds comradery and respect among students.
Below are five fun, collaborative projects perfect for easing those first-day jitters. Each project can be easily adapted to suit any skill or grade level.
1. Altered Puzzle Pieces

Pick up a large-sized jigsaw puzzle from your local dollar store and give one piece to each student. Child-sized puzzles with larger pieces work best. Have students create mini masterpieces on the back of their pieces, using various styles and mediums like collage and 3-D.
2. Masking Tape Resist Paint Mural

Help your students plan and outline a cityscape on a large sheet of craft paper.
Once all pieces are complete, assemble the puzzle to reveal the completed work and show your students that the sum is greater than the parts. Glue the pieces in place and mount the combined piece on the wall as an artful reminder of the importance of teamwork.
When complete, have students use masking or painter’s tape to cover the outlines of the scene. Assign each student a section to paint with the tape as borders.
When the paint is dry, gently remove the tape to reveal the negative space outline. This collaborative art project would not be complete without the contributions of each student.
3. First Grade’s a Bear

Sketch the outline of a bear onto a large sheet of foam board and cut it out. Provide students with strips of white paper and let them paint the strips any colors they wish. When dry, the students attach their strips to the bear, overlapping to form a colorful “fur” that covers it.
4. Mini Masters Mural

Discuss a master painter and share one of that artist’s most famous works with your class. Then, assign each student a small section of the piece to reproduce in their personal and unique style.
When all pieces are complete, assemble them to recreate the masterpiece, with a slightly abstract spin representing the entire class.
5. Collaborative Circle Weaving

Your whole class can collaborate to create a colorful, Kandinsky-style masterpiece! Using donated yarn and recycled cardboard, each student weaves their own circle, sewing in a bit of their style. All circles are hung from a common frame, creating a singular, modern art piece that represents each unique child.
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