Do you want to talk with a parent about their child’s behavior in class? The days of sending a note home in their folder are over. Even way back when that note might not have made it home! In this day and age of immediate gratification and 24/7 access, people have grown weary of the tried and true methods of communication and lean toward more contemporary forms of communication. Schools are just starting to integrate those tools into their standards and it’s a very good thing.
If you want to communicate with your parents effectively think about how you like to engage in your personal life:
Social media
This medium has turned into one of the top ways of interacting, rivaled only by texting as a favorite means of communicating. Just like there are social media platforms for business and entertainment, there are also ones that cater to educational needs as well. Engrade is an option that allows teachers and parents to communicate with each other without the input of the student. Grades can be shared on this platform, as well as email. Edmodo is a platform that mirrors Facebook in layout. Students have access to this tool, but parents are also able to engage with teachers using it as well.
School website
Sometimes the communication is not about one on one issues. In those instances, having a school website and calendar is beneficial. It gets the information out to all of the parents at one time. The website also serves as the one stop shop for school information, which can prove invaluable in case of a school closing, after school activity, or fundraiser.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with communicating via text. Many parents find that it is easier to speak with a teacher using this medium, at least in the initial phase when planning to meet in person, for instance. Quick and to the point, texting allows for immediate responses to questions without a belabored game of “You’re it!”
While email usage pales in comparison to texting and social media, people do still read their email. If there is considerable detail that needs to be relayed, email is often a great alternative to sending home paper. By sending an email, the parent can retain the information in their folders and recall it later if needed.
Even though it seems that schools are a bit behind the times as new trends emerge, you can step things up in your own communication strategy. Ask parents early on if they would be open to using alternate methods of communication and react based on their response. Technology is a great tool that can be put to wide use in the school system – start the trend today!
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