We’ve looked at simple ways to create sensory spaces including study, writing and creativity concepts. Let’s continue the journey down sensory lane with these additional options:
Wiggle Space
There is growing research that children who are physically active tend to do better in schools.
Yet many students still do not get enough movement during the day due to time, space and scheduling constraints of PE and/or recess while still other children need additional breaks beyond these standards. Our Wiggle Space may be the answer! There are tools for movement like the Super Hop 55 Spring Ball or the Fold & Go Trampoline. Or maybe your sensory seeker craves heavy work input for body awareness, calming and organizing. If so, ShapeShifter Stretch Bands or the Fun Tube Tunnel are great for getting deep touch pressure in to get the wiggles out. Designed for indoor use, the Wiggle Space is an easy add on to a corner of any classroom or designated area. Now all kids can move to learn!
Chill Out Space
Have a child that has a meltdown every day? Tired of time out? Need a quiet place to regroup? Consider a Chill Out Space! Transform a classroom corner, clinic space or bedroom into an oasis of calm using some of our favorite solutions. Try the PeaPod for defining spatial boundaries during reading time. Overhead, Cozy Shades can help soften the glare from harsh fluorescent lights.
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