It might not happen every year, but sometimes you close your ledgers and find that you have a budget surplus. You probably have a backlog of ideas in your mental queue that seem like the perfect acquisitions to help your educators streamline their teaching methods and reach students on a deeper level. However, you might want to take a step back and look at your schools, or school system’s needs, as they stand right now.
How Can You Benefit from a Credit in Your Year End Budgeting Report? Consider Some Key Products for the fall
Since an educator’s classroom needs are rarely static, it makes sense to perform a survey of teachers’ requests, which might lean heavily toward their increasing needs to keep up with the fast-paced technology industry. Once you have considered their needs, see how they correspond with what you have in mind.
Below are some important products that might help you and your teachers use your budget surplus to your, and your students’, advantage:
Tablets for Each Student in Class. According to a survey at The Educators Room, iPads for all students was the prime item on teachers’ wish lists for their classrooms. Whether an Apple, Android or Windows product, teachers feel that tablets are essential learning tools for their students since they can download several books during a session, as well as asking students to produce and present their own projects for the classroom with their personal device.
Tablet Peripheral Packs. Part of the appeal of using a smartphone or tablet in the learning process includes the easy access to audio and video presentations. Students need headphones and stands that hold their device in place as they watch to cultivate the best possible learning environment for the student. A tablet, or smartphone, peripheral pack will help students set up their work station in a way that is most comfortable and conducive to learning.
Headphones and Headsets for Testing. When it comes to common-core standards testing, students will need high-quality headphones so they can hear the prompts and questions to do their best. Some headphones offer kids versatility so they can use them with their iPads as well as when they listen to testing materials on a communal jackbox in the classroom’s listening center.
Projection Systems. If you have a hefty surplus, consider purchasing a high-quality classroom projector so your teachers can prepare and deliver high-grade presentations. Your educators and students will quickly note any difference between an older project system and one that features enhanced speaker options and HDMI connectivity. Consider adding laser pointer pens to help teachers quickly point out important video details.
Document Cameras. For your most tech savvy and ambitious educators, consider ordering a Document Camera to help teachers integrate technology into the classroom, according to Educational Technology Network. These technological tools can often help teachers and students see smaller images and text in a document by zooming in, work together to improve a problematic scene in a school play and create unique video projects.
Sound Systems. Help increase students’ attention span through high-quality sound delivery with a classroom audio system. These multi-functional systems work in tandem with high-quality headphones and allow for a modern approach to delivering lessons. Teachers can offer one-on-one instruction without interfering with the regular flow of the class.
At School Specialty, we want help you get the best value from your budget surplus dollars so your educators will feel excited about the new learning tools they will introduce to their eager students in the fall. Contact us today to see how we can help you and your educators enjoy unprecedented classroom success next fall with a few critical products.
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