Homeschooling is a wonderful educational option, but misconceptions abound about this unique and interesting model of education. Here are 10 homeschooling myths, and the truth about each one.
1. You have to have a teacher’s license.
Different areas have different rules about homeschooling, but most places make it easy for the dedicated parent to homeschool, regardless of their educational background. Research the legalities in your area, but don’t believe those who think you have to have a teacher’s license to homeschool.
2. All homeschooled kids are brilliant.
There are many bright homeschoolers, but there are just as many average and struggling homeschoolers as there are in traditional schools. In fact, if your child struggles with school, homeschooling may be the perfect option to teach him on the level that he needs and keep him from being left behind in class.
3. Homeschooled kids will grow up to be awkward socially.
If you went to a traditional school, you probably encountered some socially awkward kids. Nobody blamed the school when those kids were just a little out of touch with their peers, so why should homeschoolers be any different? There are some awkward homeschoolers, and there are just as many socially aware, well-mannered, and interesting homeschoolers. Most homeschooling parents put significant energy into providing for their kids’ social development.
4. They will be over-sheltered from the challenges of life.
Homeschooled kids are able to go face to face with some of the difficult parts of life. They volunteer at homeless shelters, visit nursing homes, and make friends from all walks of life. Often, their parents are right alongside them as they get a look at some of the hard things that life throws at people.
5. They don’t get to do activities like sports and prom.
Activities for homeschoolers have come a long way in the past 15 years. Homeschooling parents organize everything from sports leagues to prom to drama classes. In some areas, the public schools will allow homeschoolers to participate in their extracurricular activities.
6. Colleges won’t admit homeschoolers.
If a homeschooler has a solid transcript and good test scores, most colleges are as willing to enroll them as they are any student.
7. It’s illegal in some areas.
Homeschooling is legal in all fifty states of the USA. Check your state’s laws for how homeschooling is supposed to look in your area.
8. It’s too expensive.
Homeschooling is much cheaper than most private schools, but it does cost something. The biggest expense is having a parent at home to actually teach the kids. However, it doesn’t have to cost thousands to homeschool your kids. Check out to create the learning environment your unique kiddos need at a price you can afford!
9. Homeschooled kids won’t learn all they should.
While it’s true that some homeschooled kids don’t learn all they should, most homeschooling parents are dedicated to preparing their kids for the future.
10. Homeschooled kids are lonely and isolated.
Some homeschooled kids are isolated, but most of them find vibrant communities of peers. Sometimes these friends are homeschooled while, other times, they are in traditional classrooms.
Homeschooled families don’t fall neatly into any shape or sized box. They’re pretty much like any other family. Challenge the generalizations that you hear about homeschooling and set the record straight.
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