October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and particularly for middle and high school students, awareness may be on the mind. Instead of letting the month roll by unmarked, consider ways to help raise age-appropriate awareness in your school setting by turning students into kid educators. Foster research and critical thinking skills while letting kids get the word out about breast cancer awareness during this important month. These three simple ideas will let your students take the lead in fostering independence, critical thinking, and awareness of important social and health issues.
Breast Cancer Awareness Display Projects
Schools are always looking for creative and powerful ways to showcase student work. Let your kid educators research information and critical facts about breast cancer and breast cancer awareness month to create school displays and share their knowledge. From simple posters with statistics to powerful, moving messages, display projects create a fast and easy way for kids to practice marketing and presentation skills while researching a relevant topic in modern health.
Interview Survivors
Nothing can be more powerful than a first-hand account of cancer survivors. Have your kid educators interview breast cancer survivors or cancer survivors in general. Let them develop critical thinking and powerful journalistic questioning skills. They can then interview friends or family members. For students without access to a survivor, they can research biographies or stories of survivors online. These interviews and biographies can be shared with classmates for a powerful picture of how cancer affects people and the community.
Organize Charity Drives
For classes that want to be more proactive, have students become charitable givers. Let them research various foundations and choose one with a mission they like. They can then organize their own charity drive or collection at the school or in the community. This community service-based project can become a powerful way for kids to make a difference while still supporting strong research, organization, and communication skills.
Read more ways to raise awareness in October!
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