1. Create an art project with recycled materials. Have students bring in boxes, plastic containers, or even clothing items no longer in need. Come up with a topic and ask the students to create the item with the materials. This could be as simple as a collage for Pre-K or more challenging for the middle school students by asking them to create a 3-D project. This is a great opportunity for students to work individually or in groups.
2. Plant trees outside around the school or at the local neighborhood/green space for all the students to enjoy. Collaborate with your local PTA/PTO or a community organization to have small trees donated.
3. STEM project around Global Warming for middle and high school students
4. Start an internal school Initiative… recycling paper, batteries, composting, etc.
5. For younger students, give one student a role each day to be the green monitor. They can be in charge of turning off lights when leaving the classroom to save energy.
6. Organize a service-learning project with your class encouraging them to find a way to replace any non-recyclable food containers with green products for the school cafeteria and teachers’ rooms.
7. Have students create a campaign to learn about why using environmentally friendly cleaning products is a better option. Raise money to implement in the school.
8. When replacing classroom furniture purchase furniture that is not only effective for students learning but produced in a sustainable factory.
9. Have students work collaboratively to create wind turbines made out of classroom recycle bin materials. Follow up with how wind turbines could be used in their communities.
10. Bring manipulatives into your Pre-K and K classrooms that are environmentally friendly and a fantastic learning tool for your students.

School Specialty is committed to protecting the environment, engaging employees and customers in our sustainability efforts, and saving money through more efficient operations.
In our continuous effort to creating a more sustainable environment, School Specialty recently achieved Gold Certification Status with the Green Business Bureau and is moving toward a Platinum Certification.
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