By: Adam Havice, 2016 Midwest District High School SHAPE America® Teacher of the Year
I have found that high school teachers are always trying to find new and interesting ways to incorporate fitness into their curriculum. In my experience, when students are in control of their personal fitness, they tend to do more and have fun! I learn about my students through fun activities and fitness testing. At Carmel High School, we use the fitness gram and activity gram. We have students fill out personal fitness goals and talk to them about their fitness concerns and likes. This creates a positive learning environment, but more importantly, lets me know what motivates my students. It is important to know this when grouping students so we understand the student’s ability and can assess them fairly.
An empowering fitness activity I use in class is called “Fitness 3,000.” First, I divide the class into groups of 4-6 students. The smaller the group, the more challenging it is. Each group selects a captain; the captain will need a pen and paper or dry erase marker and white board. I explain to each captain that their team must collaborate and work together to complete 3,000 repetitions together in the allotted time, usually 15 minutes. The group can have one individual do all the activities on the list or the team can divide it up. As long as the rep is performed, it counts. I have never had a single student do all the activities alone, even with emotional support from the rest of the group. Groups can do the activities in any order. Multiple groups are allowed at the same station. Students should look at their strengths and weaknesses in the group and decide what they like or know how to do. Captains will make sure there is no cheating. Sometimes I make it a competition, sometimes I do not. I send the captains back to their teams with the activities on their paper or white board and allow them 3-5 minutes to explain the challenge to their group, assign tasks, and come up with a plan. Teams only have 15-20 minutes to get to 3,000 reps! It is hard. After the allotted time of 2-5 minutes to make a plan, I say “Go” and play music.
The 3,000 reps can be just about any assortment of activities. Sometimes I have the students make the activities. Just make sure it is a bit of a challenge. This is an example I have used in the past – 100 side line runs, 200 push-ups, 300 sit-ups, 400 air squats, 200 mountain climbers, 200 burpees, 100 bear walks, 300 crunches, 200 slides, 200 lunges, 200 tuck jumps, 100 crab walks, 200 bleacher step ups, 300 jump rope jumps. I have found that having stations set up ahead of time using slit cones or shoulder folders helps the students with the activities. For safety, make sure the students know how to use proper form on all activities.
In some classes, I only tell the captains the rules to see if they are strong leaders. This will cause confusion. I suggest the first few times trying the activity that the teacher explains the rules to everyone. Team captains are not only responsible for completing repetitions with their team, but are also responsible for recording completed repetitions on their dry erase board or paper. Really good leaders learn how to delegate, which usually only happens with juniors and seniors. Teams will see if they can make it to 3,000 repetitions in 15 or 20 minutes. The time limit is determined by the teacher.
Once students are finished, I have them answer some reflection questions on the activity, which allows them to reflect on how they worked as a group. It also lets the students decide on the activities that were easy, hard and if they liked them or not. It also allows me to get suggestions from the students to improve the lesson.
Fitness 3,000 is also easy to make modifications for students with disabilities. Simply lower the number or make the activities easier for them. If a student cannot run that is okay, as they can probably help the group with pushups. I have had students with severe physical disabilities comment that they like Fitness 3,000 because feel like they are part of the group all of the time.
When students are empowered, they tend to ask for more. Fitness 3,000 is one of my students’ favorite activities because it is empowering and hard. It is good to use at the beginning or end of class. In 15 minutes, students usually are right at 3,000 or just under and get a great workout. Once students are empowered to come up with the exercises, it is always fun because students will bring new and exciting options to the table!
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