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Search Results for: back to school

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Every Teacher

It’s that time of year again when people everywhere are pondering potential New Year’s resolutions. As a teacher nearing the mid-point of the year, you may find yourself lacking motivation, energy and enthusiasm in the classroom. Without these three qualities, the rest of the year can feel very long for you and your students. […]

10 Fun Ways to Rest, Relax and Recharge Over Winter Break

Start your countdown — Christmas vacation is almost here! Of course, you still have to get through holiday concerts, kids on a sugar high from all the cookies and candy, dealing with stressed-out parents and one big classroom party before you can get 2015 in the books, but it’s so close you can almost taste […]

10 Tips for an Attitude Adjustment

The holidays are nearly here and odds are teachers are really ready for a break! Months of being “on”—giving your very best to every art class and every student every day—may have taken a toll on your attitude and maybe even your self-esteem. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, undervalued, or just plain worn out heading […]

Classroom Bulletin Board Tips & Tricks

Bulletin boards are powerful tools in K-8 classrooms. They pair personality with functionality, and when featuring student creations, provide incentive for students to do their best work. Read on for tips and tricks to make the most of your time, space and resources. Creative Block? We all get creative block from time to time.  When that […]

The Next Buzzwords You Need to Know Now

Education is a business of buzzwords. It’s the only way to boil down complicated theories, pedagogies, and trends into concepts that can be conversed about without a PowerPoint. To make matters worse, the educational sands are always shifting, taking the concepts along with them. Here are the education reform topics that are on the horizon […]

Regroup, Reorganize, Recharge

Educators have less summer than everyone else in education-if they get a summer at all. That makes time management and prioritization imperative. You simply won’t be able to do everything you want to do, so what takes precedence? To paraphrase the old saying, there are three R’s to the educator’s summer: regroup, reorganize, and […]

Scheduling Teachers and Classes – Against the Status Quo

For a profession in which every day is different, teachers can be creatures of habit. Some veterans have been teaching the same preps for a decade or more. And for people who like their schools running like a machine, many administrators don’t see a need to upset the apple cart. Shaking things up is […]

Relaxing Educationally

Summer break is made for relaxing, but many teachers feel guilty that they aren’t spending the time better preparing for the coming school year. Have no fear! Here are the best ways to relax while keeping your activities educational. Traveling – Every destination can broaden the mind if you know how to approach it. […]

Maintaining the Balance: Relaxing vs. Becoming a Better Teacher

Every summer, some teachers start feeling guilty during their relaxation time. Shouldn’t they be planning lessons or studying that new trend to get ready for next year? On the flip side, if they find themselves working too hard over the summer, they get mad at themselves for not taking a break. There are ways […]