The teacher shortage problem across the nation is indeed a pressing issue. Many schools struggle to find qualified teachers, leading to large class sizes and increased workloads for existing teachers. This, in turn, contributes to teacher burnout.
In this episode, host Nancy Chung interviews Dr. Richard Warren Jr., an award-winning educator, professor, and renowned speaker.
Teacher Burnout
As the demands on teachers grow and they are asked to do more with less, their mental health and overall wellness are affected. Increases in planning and grading, administrative tasks, and dealing with the diverse needs of students all contribute to longer work hours and limited personal time.
Teachers genuinely want to prepare their students for the future, but they are battling compassion fatigue. They care so much about increasing their students social and academic health, that inadvertently it decreases their own.
Dr. Richard Warren Jr.
Teacher Shortage
The effects of these conditions have led some teachers to leave the field, while potential aspiring teachers became less likely to join it. In some cases, the lack of a career lattice for teachers has led them to pursue advancement into school administration, leaving behind a teaching position that is harder to fill.

Teacher Retention Solutions
Keeping good teachers in the classroom starts by ensuring they feel honored and valued for their work. It requires comprehensive and system-wide effort to recognize and address the struggles and conditions as teachers train society’s next generation.
Success on any level is preceeded by supports on many levels.
Dr. Richard Warren Jr.
Dr. Warren provided several examples of ways schools can address teacher burnout and shortages, including:
- Competitive compensation
- Financial incentives
- Teacher career lattice
- Mentorship programs
He also discussed steps teachers can take to prevent burnout and ensure their needs are fulfilled so they can focus on their students. These include:
- Setting boundaries
- Celebrating successes
- Finding a support person or team
- Building a community
Check out the full podcast above to hear Dr. Warren go in-depth on these important topics.

Dr. Richard Warren Jr. is an award-winning educator, renowned speaker, and dynamic professor with a stellar reputation in the field of education. As the 2019 Maryland State Teacher of the Year and a “Solve for Tomorrow” State Finalist for Samsung, he has been recognized as a leading figure in his profession. As a result, he was appointed as the Chair of Education Executive Policy for the Governor of Maryland, spearheading transformative education reforms.
With over a decade of experience, Dr. Richard Warren Jr. has captivated audiences as a sought-after speaker, leaving a lasting impression with his engaging, enjoyable, and enlightening messages that ignite a call to action and foster transformative change. As a consultant to educational agencies, he empowers educators, providing valuable motivational guidance and constructive instructional feedback to elevate their teaching practices. Dr. Warren specializes in delivering compelling keynotes and training sessions across various educational arenas, collaborating with educators at every level to inspire growth and excellence. Follow his journey on social media.
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